Living alone- automated security solutions

As a single woman in her thirties I am entirely careful about security, but i don’t like that I live alone but what can you do? I have done everything I can to make my house as safe as possible.

I invested in a security system soutlin that works from my phone.

I can control the cameras if I so wish, but so if I think I hear something, I can adjust the camera genuinely with a few clicks. I also get alerts on my phone for a moment. I can choose for it to not alert my own critters or for everything. I also got some automated lighting to go with my building automation system, then the automated lights are all around the property. If you walk up to my home, the lights brighten. They are automatic plus super bright. They are around the doors, front porch, pool, plus perimeter of my home. It is helpful when I am upset about theft or people showing up unannounced. It does make it quite awkward when a delivery person comes late at evening… My house lights up like an X mas tree for an Amazon package. My security cameras automatically begin filing into the room. I am cheerful that it is this way. It lets me sleep easier plus better knowing that I have done everything I can to deter people at evening! For someone who comes house late from work, the lights plus cameras are extra nice. For single ladies I highly request lights plus security solutions for peace of mind.

Building Automation System