Camping on the beach

The first time my husband took me camping on the beach, was the weirdest camping trip I had ever been on, and the last camping trip.

  • It had been really hot that day and the sand was so dry that he had to use a sledgehammer to drive the tent pegs into the ground.

We woke up in the middle of the night, to sounds of popping and the tent falling down around us. He got out of the sleeping bag, thinking someone was playing tricks on us. After three times putting the tent pegs back in, he realized that the tide coming in had made the sand wet and the water was forcing the tent pegs to pop out of the sand. We ended up taking the tent down, and we spent the night in the car with the air conditioning running to keep us cool. The next day, I told him that if he wanted to go home, we could. He was really glad that I didn’t insist on repeating the night over again. We were halfway home, when he pulled over to a hotel. He told me he wasn’t going to ruin our weekend, but he had also had it with camping. We were in a wonderfully air conditioned hotel, that overlooked the beach. He was able to go out after sunset, and fish half the night. During the day, we would hold up in the room, with the air conditioning running to keep us cool. We spent three wonderful days in that hotel, with the air conditioning in the daytime and the cool breeze off the ocean at night.

gas heater