My trips at 2 AM to get propane for my furnace

I am definitely not a night person.

Even the idea of being up late is completely revolting to me.

I would definitely rather be awake during the morning time when I feel the best and more alert. However, when I say that, I mean 5 AM, not the middle of the night. Apparently, my furnace does not seem to understand that. This winter was a pretty rough winter for me. It was my first winter living in an RV, which means it was also my first winter using recreational HVAC equipment. Wow, was that a problem and a half. It seemed that during the coldest nights of the year, my propane for the furnace would seem to completely run out, and I would have to find some way to fill it. Sometimes, I would have a backup propane tank outside for my furnace, and all I would have to do was get dressed, go outside, and attach the new tank. However, this was definitely not always the case. There were a few times in the middle of the night where I ran out of propane and had no backup tank at all for my furnace. It would be freezing. I knew it was just forgotten or overlooked, but I would still have to drive to the gas station at 2 AM and buy a new propane tank or exchange one. Those nights were the worst, and the next day at work with little sleep was even harder. A few times, my propane furnace even broke down, and I had no idea what to do. I would definitely recommend anybody who is interested in living full time in an RV to always remember to have a backup propane tank. Always.

indoor air quality