Our automobile has A/C now

I care about Thanksgiving… I know that I should be thankful year round, plus I genuinely try to be, even though I genuinely care about the Thanksgiving season because it sort of forces myself and others to be thankful.

It gives myself and others that little extra boost to make myself and others think of all the things that I tend to take for granted plus supply thanks for them, one of the things that I found myself being super thankful for this year was having a/c in the car. I never even thought to thank God for a/c in our vehicle until I went without it for almost many months; Let’s just say that it was a rough end to the summer. I was driving our vehicle one afternoon, plus I noticed that the a/c was not toiling well. It was blowing out fine, but the air that it was blowing was quite warm. I had to roll the windows down because it was so hot in the car, and the following mornings, the a/c just kept getting warmer plus warmer until it was not even a/c anymore. I was super disappointed, however my wife tried charging the a/c, but that did not work. It helped for about a morning, but then it went back to blowing moderate air! Both of us knew that the people I was with and I had a leak in an A/C line, but the people I was with and I could not afford to take it to a mechanic at the time. Both of us went without a/c for many agitated months before being able to get it fixed, but when the people I was with and I finally got it fixed, I vowed to never go another morning without thanking God for a/c.


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