I was very happy about that

I have been going to Church longer than I can remember. When I was a baby my parents introduced me to Church. When I turned 18 and additionally moved out I stopped going for a while. I found myself, surprisingly, missing it and decided to go back. I found my own Church though. Last weekend during a 2 hour lengthy service the air conditioner broke. I had gotten there early because I needed good seats. I usually liked it right under the big air conditioner but that day it wasn’t any good whatsoever. The air conditioner worked for a while but right when the service started the air conditioner abruptly ceased. I could tell because cold air stopped blowing right out of the air vent. I also could tell because everyone in the place begun to sweat badly. The preacher was affected by the void of air conditioning and soon made an announcement that the service would be cancelled. There was probably close to 2,000 people within the giant Church and it was too hot with no air conditioner. The body heat alone could be enough to cause tension but the temperature outside was 99 degrees too! All of us Church-goers went home for the comfort of our air conditioner. The service was rescheduled should the air conditioner be fixed.

central air