Looks Like I’m Getting Double Shoulder Surgery Soon

Well, they don’t really do both shoulders at the same time or I would be rendered helpless for weeks.

I need to choose which shoulder I want to have fixed first.

I guess the option is obvious; the right shoulder because I am right handed. My right shoulder got disfigured 10 years ago diving to the ground in addition to my left 1 got disfigured just a few weeks ago from my skyball serve in beach volleyball. The serve takes a lot of body torque to get the height I want in addition to it impacts my left shoulder a lot. I tore it slightly recently. This is why I do freezing water dips followed by an minute in front of my portable space heating system in my office. I love to cool down the joints for 10 minutes each afternoon in the 57F sea. After the sea I go lake house to a heated house, from my central heating unit, in addition to stick my feet in addition to hands in moderate to tepid water for about 20 minutes. Today, I sat in the sea with gloves on my hands in addition to my hands out of the water, because if I submerge my hands for the full 10 minutes it is entirely hard to put my clothes on afterwards. I guess some people guess I am silly when they see me doing this on a entirely freezing afternoon however I think it is necessary to help keep the pain to a minimum in my joints. Most people would rather sit in front of a fireplace, after taking a few ibuprofen, in addition to let the pills do the work.

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