The cottage sees new life & new Heating & Air Conditioning

Yet, my sibling somehow bribed an Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman to come all the way out there to install a ductless multi split system.

So my Mom was a bit of tricky dude. I mean, he wasn’t unethical or a crook or anything. No, I’d say just about the exact opposite of that really. He rose high in a company & made a lot of money. With that money every one of us lived nicely however not extravagantly. Our beach house was sort of mediocre however amazingly well appointed. The people I was with and I constantly had such great heating & cooling in that house. That was sort of pressing to Mom. He wanted his beach house to be his sanctuary. So, it was full of creature comforts & the best Heating & Air Conditioning component that money could buy. The guy had a myriad of investments which my sibling & I had to track down when he died. One thing that every one of us found was wild. Apparently, my Mom was in a partnership with 3 other buddies in a hunting cottage with some land attached. The way the agreement read was that whoever lived the longest could pass it on to his heirs. I suppose Mom won. My sibling & I went up there & found a sturdy cottage surrounded by spectacular nature. But the cottage needed a lot of TLC as well. I did a lot of the labor as I lived the closest. Yet, my sibling somehow bribed an Heating & Air Conditioning serviceman to come all the way out there to install a ductless multi split system. This is a series of ductless heat pumps & it was sort of the perfect final touch to our new family cottage. Our youngsters adore it & every one of us even have satellite internet up there as well. It’s pretty awesome to see something love this continue on to another couple of generations.

