Mom is moving in with us

Now that my mother is getting older it has come to the point where we all thought it was best if she moved in with us.

She is still able to take care of herself and is an independent lady, however being able to help her out with things such as doctors appointments and daily medicine was going to be so much easier if we were under the same roof.

It has been a few weeks now since my mother moved into our home and overall everything has been going well. The only thing that has been a point of conflict so far has been over the control of the air conditioning system. You see, my mother is the type of person that has always preferred to keep the A/C set to a frigid 67 degrees almost year round. It’s what I grew up having to deal with, and my family now likes to have it much warmer than that. Now whenever my husband or I leave the house it never fails to come home and see that the heating and cooling unit has magically changed from 74 degrees to 67 degrees. Does my mother come clean to us when we ask her who touched the A/C however? No, no she does not. Now we have set a meeting with the local HVAC company to have them send a guy out so we can figure out if we can just install a mini portable heating unit into my mom’s room so she will stop messing around with the A/C for once and for all. I guess this is what I get for being such a wild and stubborn child growing up. I used to play “pranks” on my mom at least a dozen times a day, and now she is getting her revenge on me in my adulthood. That’s the circle of life I guess!
a/c worker