Dad helped me repair our HVAC problem

I practically live in the middle of the woods where there aren’t entirely any amenities near me, so I knew that I was going to have to deal with this on our own if I wanted to be able to get our heating and cooling method running again so I could go back to sleep.

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night to a loud crashing sound. For the first few minutes after waking up I was thinking that someone had broken into our house. However, after further investigation I realized that wasn’t the case. What had very happened was our old and rusty heating and cooling component had short circuited and broke down on me. I practically live in the middle of the woods where there aren’t entirely any amenities near me, so I knew that I was going to have to deal with this on our own if I wanted to be able to get our heating and cooling method running again so I could go back to sleep. Fortunately our father has worked as a certified HVAC tech for forty years and has tons of his old HVAC tools stored at our house. After facetime with him he was able to walk me through the basics of HVAC repair and I was very able to get our heating and cooling method up and running! My dad’s advice was to still have a certified HVAC professional come out and take a look at it for himself, which is absolutely a smart thing to do. Not necessarily cheap, but smart nevertheless. I’m thankful for our dad for being there for me when I needed him the most, and I was even more thankful to finally get back to sleep in our warm and cozy house!


ac filter