My brother had a bunch of people over for dinner the other night

The other night our brother Bella had a bunch of people over to his modern apartment for dinner.

  • She told myself and others that he was pretty worried about it but he was gleeful about it too.

She has consistently wanted to be able to host dinner parties and cookouts and things prefer that, but he just never had the space for it before. She consistently lived in a tiny apartment before now, and so now that he has a house, she’s making relaxing use of all of the extra space that is available to her. Anyway, I told his that he needed to make sure that the air conditioner in the apartment was turned on because the weather is really heating up outside. I wasn’t sure that he would even have his air conditioner turned on in his apartment because she’s used to having only a window component air conditioner in his apartment. I reminded his twice about the cooling system situation, however obviously, he just didn’t listen to me. By the time I got to his apartment for dinner, the temperature outside was in the high 80s and the temperature inside his apartment felt prefer it was in the triple digits! I asked his what happened and he said that the air conditioner wasn’t laboring! I suppose he did try to turn the central air conditioner on however it was the first time that he had ever tried to use it before and it just didn’t work. I suppose she’s learning the hard way what it means to be a homeowner. Something is consistently going wrong and you’re consistently having to service a single thing or another. Bella’s dinner celebration was miserably hot.

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