She bets they’ve never tried honey from honey farms

They run a beekeeping residential service.

If you are an immense fan of honey, then you must try honey farms, because these places are awesome. Honey farms offer the tastiest and freshest honey and you can tell. Most folks opt for store-bought honey, because they think that’s all there is. But, Shelly bets they’ve never tried honey farm honey. If you try honey from a honey hive, you’d never go back to store the obtained honey. Shelly used to get honey at the supermarket, that’s until a friend took her to a honey farm. There’s a local honey farm in her area, and they had honey for sale. The cool thing is that this farm shop stocks different varieties in their honey, whereas the store only offers like 3. Shelly purchased all sorts of honey from the honey farm, and while she was there, she had a talk with the shop person. The guy told Shelly all about how honey bees are rescued plus brought to their farm. They run a beekeeping residential service. The bee removal folks remove all honey bees and deliver them to their farm. It’s where they live out their lives and produce honey for them. Shelly supposes that it’s incredibly cool that her cash helps to support the honey bees, and rescue them instead of killing them. Just another reason why she likes supporting the honey farms rather than going to the supermarket.

