My air purification system has knocked our dust sensitivity symptoms back considerably

When I was a kid I missed a lot of college from being sick.

I thought it was a result of hereditary health problems, however our physician insisted that it was in area environmental.

He noted how our symptoms would ebb plus flow in relation to seasonal fluctuations plus the several allergen levels outdoors. These afternoons you can open your weather app plus get real time notices for identifiable allergens appreciate ragweed pollen, dust, mold, tree pollen, plus red tide just to name a few. If you have asthma appreciate I do, getting real time information on environmental allergens is a huge benefit. It means that I can plan our afternoons plus weeks around the times when I’m at a higher risk of a respiratory reaction. It also means I suppose which afternoons to go out wearing a mask versus the times when I can live without a mask. And whenever I’m in our home, I have our air purification system to keep any incoming allergens at bay. Each time I open our front door to leave or return, dust, pollen, plus spores inevitably get inside our house. But with our air purification system always running, this risk is significantly reduced. The first time I turned on the air purification system I noticed an immediate reduction in our dust sensitivity symptoms overnight. I was coughing plus blowing our nose repeatedly, however not anymore with the air purification system running all day plus night. I appreciate our air purification system because it has a charcoal filter for odors, a HEPA filter for everything else, plus a UV-C light to kill any bacteria, viral particles, or spores as they transfer through the machine. It’s a phenomenal way to improve your indoor air quality without spending more than $100 on a single machine.

air quality