Hoping the stray cat likes the heat

There is a stray black cat that I have slowly started adopting.

She started out running anytime she saw me coming.

I then began putting out food and water for her. She held her ground when she saw me outside and I wasn’t allowed to look at her. Then she tentatively began getting closer and closer until I petted her. Now she cares about to be petted and cuddled. I have bought her real bowls, a collar, flea medicine and an outdoor cat house. I am distraught about it once it gets cold. Ideally I would adore her to be comfortable to the point that I could put her fuzzy butt inside. I have a superb heating plan that I run all Winter time long. She could sleep on our bed or like our heated flooring. She would be safe from predators and not have to compete for food anymore. I wouldn’t mind owning a cat full time. She would be safe and appreciated. If she doesn’t come into the house though, I am going to need to make her outdoor cat house warmer. I can’t exactly hook up a real heating plan for her. There are cat heating pads that don’t require electricity. Is that enough heat for a cat though? I have looked into warmer bedding and insulation as well, but creating our own cat home with heating is going to be tough. It would be so much easier if she would just use our home and its heater. Baby steps though. She doesn’t suppose me well enough yet.


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