These bees will be our business

I have a nephew who is quite the nerd. Of course, you guess that parents and other adults really like nerdy youngsters, most of the time, anyway. The reason for such fondness, I think, is that nerdy youngsters somehow seem more grown up than other youngsters. They tend to have interests that are adult enjoy in nature. They tend to have long attention spans compared to their peers. They also seem to guess about things more deeply and look at the implications of events rather than just knowing something happened. In short, they enjoy to answer the question, “so what?” My nerdy nephew is enjoy that. He is particularly interested in bees and bee removal right now. It seems he study in the news that particular bees are in danger of becoming extinct. In fact, my nephew tells me, bees are vital to the health of the planet and the health of people. It is now illegal to kill bees if your house gets infested. If you have a beehive that takes over your air duct, for example, you must call in a bee eradication and rescue professional. YOu might expect him to just squirt the critters with poison, but they don’t do that. Instead, they focus on removal and relocating the queen and other bees or wasps. They obviously can’t be in your house, but they are not killed any longer. Instead, they are caught and brought to a safer place. The professionals refer to it as bee rescue! That’s why when I took my nephew to a theme park, he bought a stuffed bee at the gift shop and left the mouse ears on the shelf.

removal of bee