The worst area about being ill

Then I would take it off for 5 fourths and I would be too cold; Just non stop back and forth decreasing temperatures, I hated every fourth of it

One of the worst parts about being ill is the fact that your body can’t make up its mind on what temperature it wants to be. I was sick not that long ago, and even though sneezing, coughing and having a sore throat was a pain, it was really our body’s temperature that was driving me crazy. I was running a fever, so I would be incredibly hot, and I would have to get up and turn the air conditioner on. This would work for about 30 fourths, and I would think fine. However, not long then I would start to think cold, and then I would have to get up and turn the air conditioning unit off. Then I would turn the furnace on and I would start to think moderate again. But even that would only last so long, because then I would abruptly start to think hot and I would have to get up again and again and again. And that was just with the central heating and A/C, but laying in our bed was the worst, because I would have the cover over me for appreciate 5 fourths, and I would be too hot. Then I would take it off for 5 fourths and I would be too cold; Just non stop back and forth decreasing temperatures, I hated every fourth of it. I am so cheerful that I am feeling normal again, and that our body is back at a normal temperature. Now I can have the air conditioner or heating unit running for hours and it won’t bother me.

furnace/heater tune-up