Heating, cooling, & marriage

Statistically, about half of all marriages will end in divorce, but this is truly nervous because people make a life long commitment that often ends due to conflict that could be repaired; Some respected causes of divorce are money issues, children, families, lack of intimacy, cheating, & more… A divorce lawyer recentely wrote an article about the craziest reasons she has seen couples get divorced, one that stood out to me the most was about a couple who got divorced because they had strange heating & cooling preferences, but you learn that correctly- a couple who was married for 25 years got divorced because of a control unit.

The divorce lawyer stated that the wifey always wanted to save money on the electric bill, so she would make sure the a/c was not too low in the Summer & that the heat was not too high in the winter.

The hubby did not care about the number on the electric bill, she cared about her indoor comfort above all else. The couple tried to go to marriage counseling & the marriage counselor recommended that they buy a smart control unit which would save them money & help them compromise on the temperature issue. At first, the couple said the smart control unit was laboring well for them. They were able to save a little money on their electric bill, while remaining comfortable. Then a heat wave hit their area. The couple both had the app for the smart control unit on their iPhone, so while the wifey had the temperature set on her app, the hubby would go into her app & constantly bring the temperature down, causing the electric bill to go up.

electric fireplace